
Proficiency 1 

I can analyze Galaxies and the difference between Galaxies. I will compare the Milky Way to other Galaxies.

 Author's Note: In this proficiency the things I struggled with were the theories of the galaxies, comprehending information on black holes, and understanding all of the other types of galaxies beside our own. My thoughts on this is that our galaxy is extraordinary. Also what we don't always realize is that there are things in this galaxy beyond our solar system. I enjoyed doing this proficiency and learned a lot about the galaxies.

 Proficiency 6

I can analyze the differences between comets, asteroids, meteors and moons. I will research orbits and discuss differences of what we see from the Earth’s surface (phases). I will analyze the effect the moon’s orbit has on our planet. I will predict what would happen if Earth had a 2nd moon or the distance to the moon was increased or decreased.

Author's Note:
With this proficiency I didn't have many difficulties finding information about comets, meteors, and asteroids. Though, I have learned that they are basically masses of rock and gas that were formed in the beginning off the universe just like everything else. They don't really have a large purpose in our solar system but they were fun to learn about and I have gained a lot more information about them.

Comets, meteors, and asteroids
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Proficiency 3

I can research the history of constellations. My research will delve into the stories  and the myths associated with each constellation. I will create my own constellation  either changing the story of a real constellation or creating one on my own.

Authors Note: For this story that I wrote it was inspired by Greek philosophy on how the constellations were formed. I didn't really struggle with finding any information about the history of the constellations and overall this was a fairly easy proficiency.

Once upon a time there was a village in Greece with villians showing up left and  right. There was hope, hope that one day a hero would emerge to stop these evil  villians. Then as if Zeus had heard their prayers, a hero named Luscious was born.  Although only a baby he was at least 10 feet tall and 300 pounds. Years past and he  defeated each villian but there was only one he could not destroy, and his name was  Malcom. Malcom was an evil man who enjoyed seeing the suffering of each city.  Luscious was determined to stop him and send him back to the black hole where he  belonged. When they finally met Malcom cursed him to a mortal planet called  Earth, and put him on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

        The fight continued and Malcom whispered intimidating thoughts to Luscious  through thunderous booms, "Luscious, Luscious, I'm coming for you", he said.  Lightning struck and Luscious knew that the town he was in, was in grave danger.  He lifted the town up with his muscular arms and threw it to the other side of the  planet so Malcom and Luscious could settle this fight, to the death. Malcom  appeared with a golden, glowing sword with a sneer on his face. He was  overpowering, intimidating, and ready to kill. Luscious was scared but knew he had  to do what was right, but Malcom had other plans. Luscious didn't know that he had  to power of the elements and he planned to use that against him. Luscious charged  and with a roar a cyclone of water surrounded Malcom. He ordered the waves to  topple Luscious and they did as they were told. From that day forward no one ever  heard of Luscious again. With every person Malcom destroyed he left a string of  stars in the night sky showing how they died. There is a ocean wave 100 feet tall  and Luscious, the protector of good, being crushed by this wave. The people in the  city of Greece mourned the loss of Luscious, but what no one knew was that  Luscious was married to a beautiful goddess named Athena and they were  expecting a little boy named Samuel. Once Athena shared this news to the village,  it was a bittersweet moment, for a new hero being born but having no father to  raise him. When Samuel was born he constantly asked about his father and Athena  shared stories about how he killed all but one villian and that it would be his job  when he grew up to defeat him. Samuel couldn't wait to seek revenge upon Malcom,  but his time would come later on in life. Years and years later Samuel defeated  Malcom and looked up to the night sky with his own son, he found the constellation  of his father and knew he would've been proud of him.

Proficiency 4

I can analyze the origins of our solar system. Starting with the sun, my research will emphasize how our solar system formed, the differences between inner planets and outer planets, and analyze the future of our sun and the solar system.

Authors Note: During this proficiency I struggled with how to put all of the information needed into a presentation, but I learned so much about each individual planet. I analyzed the question "What would happen if none of the planets in our solar system had atmospheres?" and from that question I realized how different our lives and our solar system would be. Overall this was a very interesting proficiency that I learned a lot from.

Proficiency 2

I can identify key technological advancements that helped in making our knowledge of space expand. My research will show the past, but I will also predict what future advancements may stretch our limits even more.

Authors Note: In this proficiency I didn't struggle with finding information about technology, but how to put it into a presentation I hadn't already used. The most interesting things about this proficiency was the difference between early technology and the technology we have created now. I learned a lot more than I thought I would during research in this proficiency.

Proficiency 5

I can effectively explain the different theories of the universe. I will discuss theories starting from Ancient Greece through the theories discussed in present day. I will analyze all theories and make a judgment based on my research on which is most valid.

Authors Note: During the research of this proficiency I learned about many religions and scientific theories. I didn't struggle with this proficiency at all and this was overall a fairly easy proficiency. 

    Ever since the beginning of time, man has been curious about the creation of our solar system. Throughout the years man has found theories on how the world was made, The Big Bang and ideas related to religion. The Big Bang Theory is that a huge mass of rock and gas in the center of the universe, had heat that bubbled at its core which eventually caused it to explode forming each and every planet, asteroid, and piece of debris in the solar system.  Another theory that relates to Christian religion is that God spent 7 days creating the universe, the Bible states that "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." which in this theory was the beginning of our universe. Later on the Bible says "the earth was without form and void, and darkness over it" which describes God developing the Earth's atmosphere, positioning the sun and stars and separating water from land, then finally creating life of humans, plants, and animals. The real reason to the formation of the universe is unknown to man, but scientific beliefs, religion, and ancient myths all could potentially be the way everything we know was created.

    The theory of most scientists believe is called The Big Bang, this was the event which led to the formation of the universe. The theory was suggested in 1931 by Georges Lemaitre.  In the beginning, scientists believed that the universe was extremely hot and was in a dense state which caused it to expand rapidly, this state of the universe was about 13.75 billion years ago. This theory is the most relevant and comprehensive and accurate based off of scientific evidence.

    Each religion has its own theory on how the universe was created. Christian's believe that God created the universe in 7 days, Hindu's believe that the universe has always been around and that there is no one creator but many, finally, most Indian religions such as Buddhist's or Jainism are based off reincarnation, where you die and come back in a different form. The Christian religion is based off the Holy Bible, or the telling of God. Their theory is that God spent 7 days, first creating the heavens and earth which metaphorically means the creation of the universe, then he later created all humanity. Hindu philosophy suggests that space and time are a cycle of nature and the universe was never created at a specific point but has always been around. Buddhist practicer's think that there wasn't a specific time the universe was created therefore, life doesn't have a beginning or end, so when we die we come back in different form. Each theory of these religions are very different but each could be a possible answer to the way our universe was created.

    No one person knows how the universe was created, and man may never know. Religion and science co-exist but each side has its own theory. Cultures and religions have unique qualities about each theory, science relies on facts and information but both sides could be correct. The creation of the universe is a fascinating subject with many ideas and suggestions, but at this moment in time the answer remains unknown. 

"Big Bang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2011. <>.

"What Buddhists Believe - The Origin of the World ." BuddhaNet - Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2011. <>.

"Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Reincarnation. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2012. <>.

Untitled from Jenna K on Vimeo.