Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween Poem

Authors Note: I wrote this poem because of the Halloween holiday and because when I was walking my dog late at night I got a creepy feeling which was the inspiration for this poem.

Halloween Poem
The full moon is shining brightly behind a wall of clouds
You hear a wolf howl and a black cat scurry and remember the stories…
The stories of ghosts, goblins, and ghouls
Vampires, werewolves, and the lurking boogy-man
As you walk through the graveyard with your friends,
One hides behind a tree and yells “Boo!”
You scream then suddenly you hear creepy laughing,
Laughing that didn’t come from your friends.
Everyone bolts, running as if their lives depend on it,
because it very well could.
You turn to see who is chasing you
And as soon as you regret it,
 This thing, this green slimy thing, drags you under.
And you think “This is it”
But suddenly it releases you and you make a break
As you return home and your mom asks
“How was your time?”
You respond
“It was… interesting.”


  1. I liked the poem. I especially liked the end part. That was a good way to end it to make the reader keep thinking about what would happen next and to make their opinion. I think one thing that would have helped is when you are writing it, act like your there and your the one being pulled under and everything and tell everyone your emotions. I think it would have helped because your mainly explaining what happened instead of the emotions and the adrenaline in your body. I do like how you explained your surroundings. It gave a vivid picture in the readers mind of what the scene looked like. Nice job.

  2. I would say the same exact thing that Chandler had stated; I think you should describe the scene where you got pulled under more than you did. And also in your poem, I liked how you used punctuation. It left a cool effect on it.

  3. The ending made me laugh. It was the perfect capture of that teenage moment where a parent asks what happens and we give a very vague answer. Nice post and welcome to the class. Great job.
